What Are Some Uses Of An Air Fryer?

January 14, 2022 by 49,351 views

An air fryer is a new technology that has been around for quite some time. It was first introduced in the early 1980s, and its popularity grew rapidly over the years. The main reason behind its success is because of how easy it makes cooking food, especially fried foods like french fries or chicken nuggets. You don’t have to worry about oil splattering all over your kitchen countertop, as well as having to clean up after yourself. This means less work and more fun!

What Are Some Uses Of An Air Fryer?

There are many different ways that you can use an air fryer besides simply frying food. Here are some examples:

1) Make homemade pizza dough

Simply put the ingredients into the bowl and turn the dial until the desired consistency is reached. Then place the crust onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper and bake according to instructions. For instance, you might set the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Bake for 10 minutes before turning off the oven and letting cool completely.

2) Cook pasta

This method works great for those times where you’d rather eat fresh pasta than take the time to boil water and wait for noodles to soften. Just follow the directions provided by the manufacturer and enjoy piping hot pasta within 30 minutes.

3) Prepare breaded cutlet strips

You can prepare these tasty treats by following the same steps listed above, except instead of putting the mixture into a bowl, spread it across two cookie sheets. Once done, flip both pieces over and let dry overnight. When ready to serve, brush each piece with egg wash and coat with seasoned flour. Finally, pan sear them in a skillet until golden brown.

4) Baked potatoes

If you’ve ever had baked potato chips, then you already know how amazing they are. But did you know that you can easily create similar results by placing sliced potatoes directly into the air fryer basket? Simply add butter, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion flakes, bacon bits, sour cream, cheese, chives, green onions, or whatever else tickles your fancy. Turn the dial until the desired texture is achieved and remove it from the appliance once cooked through. Serve immediately while still warm.

Bottom line

An air fryer is one of the best inventions since sliced bread. Not only does it make life easier, but it also saves money on gas and electricity bills. If you’re looking to save even more cash, consider buying second-hand models online. They tend to be cheaper than brand-new ones and will last longer too.